Here’s my Published Work, which I hope to continue to keep growing!
Small Things – Pop’s Curse
[Stringybark Stories – 2024]
Once again the beautiful people that run Stringybark Stories (well, David Vernon is solo I think, but he IS a beautiful person) have given me an incredibly opportunity and immense HONOUR and pleasure of being included in the “Times Past Award” and anthology. “Highly Commended” work just gets published, doesn’t win anything, but holy cats… I’m published AGAIN.
This is it, I reckon, and I’m really feeling it. I am a legit PUBLISHED AUTHOR and this writing thing is real.
Scallywag Country and Other Stories – One More Tea
[Short Stories Unlimited – 2024]
Published again! Not a shortlister or a winner of anything, but my work was good enough to be included in this e-book anthology from Sean Q Lee. I am again honoured to be published with such fantastic talent and this e-book is So Incredibly Worth It.
Get a copy of Scallywag Country and Other Stories!
Ourselves – The Second Frog
[Night Parrot Press – 2023]
Night Parrot Press is an awesome outfit here in Perth and this was the absolute first of its kind. 100 stories from 100 WA Authors, this mirco-memoir anthology has never been done before like this, and I got to be in it!
My entry was one of the few with a happy ending, haha, but I find it hard to even express the absolute HONOUR it is to have MY work included with the likes of Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Rashida Murphy, and especially Gillian O’Shaughnessy. People I’ve admired and read for years now, and I’m published WITH them.
Imposter Syndrome no longer welcome here, haha!
Like Clockwork – Crazy Witch Woman
[Stringybark Stories – 2022]
David Vernon does an amazing job putting together short stories in themed anthologies, and when I was entering one particular short story anywhere and everywhere (and getting turned down EVERYWHERE) I saw their competition and figured I needed to devote my Saturday Morning to creating something new. I was inspired by a dream I’d had a few nights before, and I cut loose with a story told from the perspective of an abused teen, 14 or 15 or so, who’s not terribly bright, but is doing his best. It’s got a twist at the end that I’m told was really good even though it was predictable. Hey, I’ll take what I can get!
Now the Like Clockwork book is on sale and we’ve been too broke with Xmas and birthdays so I still haven’t purchased a copy of my own First Officially Published Author Evidence so I can say “Fuck you, Imposter Syndrome!” But I will, soon.
UPDATE: Have purchased a copy and am planning on signing it and sending it to my HS English Teacher as a way of saying “Thank you for being the first person to ever call me a ‘writer’.”