I came in with love for the sport and passion for the community.
Straightaway saw Kiron being a cunt and Gilbert Grant being a crazy cunt. I too, wondered what Nhat did. It would be nearly a year before he told me the story, start to finish. All up, he did nothing to GG, nothing at all.
Bounced along happily, banning the crazy cunts, but Zach was always hard to control.
Then it all blew up. He’s crazy, and after all we did for him. He’s an actual sociopath. Just like Gilbert.
Now this ban. The Ausgel Podcast was the last straw. Putting some wankstain like Tyler Lynch on there like he’s important. Dan, Peter, Chris, these Titans of Industry, all talking about how they’re going to initiate legalities against the ban.
We’ve never heard from ANY of them. NONE of them have ever engaged me in conversation, social media or otherwise, though I’ve reached out to each and every one of them.
This industry, this community, deserves what it gets.
Me, Nhat… Dan. My wife. We’ve all put in WAY MORE than we’ve ever gotten out. What we’ve gotten out instead is abused. Slandered. Shit on. Dan’s gotten it less because he’s been around less, but he’s gotten way more abuse than he’s ever deserved.
I’m sick of it. Sick of it all. After all I’ve done, the good energy that I’ve brought and the good I tried to do.
This “community” can go fuck itself.