

Hard to believe that one of the biggest things to happen to me in my Writing Journey is something I haven’t talked about in here at all. I recently had the honour of being included in the 100 Micro Memoirs from 100 WA Authors. Ourselves, the first anthology of its kind in Australia, Put together […]


I was with Stan Grant, until the bit about “God”.

I’ve always respected news media types that stick their neck out there. That talk shit and back it up. Stan Grant’s always been a favourite of mine for these very things. When it came time to crown a new king, I was surprised at how excited everyone was for it, while completely ignoring the fact […]


Israel Folau Was Wrong

And he can get fucked. It’s a tale as old as time: He’s good at sport, therefore we should just let him do as he pleases. The ABC is clearly a fan of his with the first in a two-part documentary getting masturbated all over their website and social media. An article about a documentary […]


Political Correctness

Are you tired of political correctness? That’s because you’re viewing treating others with respect and equality as something that’s politically-motivated. It’s also because you don’t like being told to change how you think or what you call things, because change is scary. Your insecurity is so strong that you experience strong anxiety at the idea […]