And he can get fucked.
It’s a tale as old as time: He’s good at sport, therefore we should just let him do as he pleases.
The ABC is clearly a fan of his with the first in a two-part documentary getting masturbated all over their website and social media. An article about a documentary that is undoubtedly full of the same. Worship of his athletic accomplishments.
He’s good at running with a ball on a field. Awesome.
He also tweeted hateful shit. The article, and all his supporters, are all about Free Speech and Freedom of Religion. Those things are great, but nowhere did they mention the gun to his head that forced him to write that all homosexuals will burn in hell.
I don’t give a rat’s ass about your religious beliefs, but Hate Speech is an easy one. If what you’re saying is actively HURTING OTHER PEOPLE in a marginalised group, then it’s Hate Speech.
And he got fired for it.
How can you call yourselves good people when what you spout from your mouths at others actively hurts them, causes them pain, and even kills some of them?
Read, and believe, anything you want from a really old book. Just don’t post it. Simples.